Katie Hates Eczema

Katie Hates Eczema

Katie’s Eczema story

My name is Katie Uilk, the CEO of K&K Skin Products, and this is my story.

I have been making my own serums and oil based products since 2013. I remember in my teens having itchy, dry skin on my legs, arms and hands and even though I was never formally diagnosed I always considered myself to have eczema.  I would scratch my legs so bad they bled and left terrible marks that I was extremely embarrassed about.  I went to the doctors and they would usually prescribe a steroid cream, that only worked slightly.


Fast forward to my 30’s when I moved to Taos, NM and I was pregnant with my first child, trust me, I was tired of being itchy, scratched up and embarrassed.  I started experimenting with different natural oils to treat my own condition. I have to admit that I have made hundreds of variations of products - some of which were epic fails. 


However, my curiosity and determination lead me to finally create products that healed my skin in the way that the steroid cream never could. Not only did my products hydrate and repair my skin, it has helped my children, my family and my friends with their skin care. 


Products Katie Created

In particular, I created the After Shower Body Serum that cleared up the dry itchy skin. Since then, I have created our Revitalize Healing Hydration along with our Zinc Oxide Sun Shield. While zinc oxide is widely know as a sun protectant, it also has some amazing skin healing properties. So these two together have worked wonders on my eczema and have left me with the smooth, non-itchy skin that I never thought I could have!


Katie's Eczema Regimen

This brings me to the regimen that I've been relying on for years and has been the game-changer: Once I step out of the shower, I don't waste a second before applying our After Shower Body Serum. The trick is to slather it onto my still-wet skin, ensuring that the entirety of my body gets covered. Following that, I apply our Revitalize Healing Hydration on top which seals in the moisture and hydrates my skin. Last, I take the Zinc Oxide Sun Shield and diligently apply it to those sensitive areas, the ones that flare-up, become patchy, and demand extra care.


With the creation of these natural and pure products, my ultimate goal has always been rooted in a deep belief - every person has the right to adore the skin they're in. And I'm committed to making that possible for you with K&K Skin Products.

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