Founded by Katie (Botanical Skincare Artisan) and Kristina (Biotech Scientist)
From humble beginnings in our kitchen to growing into an international brand, K&K Skin Products started with just an idea and the question, "What if?"...
Our Story
Born out of my (Katie's) personal struggle with eczema and cystic acne, K&K Skin Products' journey began with me creating natural skincare solutions. A fateful collaboration with my scientist sister-in-law, Kristina, revolutionized our products. She introduced a remarkable "miracle molecule" from her cancer research, BioVer-X™️, with extraordinary anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 10 years of scientific research showed that BioVer-X™️ outperforms Resveratrol by 10x. Resveratrol is a natural molecule found in the skin of grapes and red wine and is used as an active ingredient in skincare products. K&K Skin Products' patented BioVer-X™️ has 6x the anti-inflammatory and 10x the antioxidant properties than resveratrol which is why we see such incredible results in the appearance of the skin.
That is when we realized that by combining botanicals with biotech we could achieve breakthrough results. This potent combination significantly reduced the appearance of wrinkles, acne scars, and even stretch marks in our testing on over 100 volunteers. We launched K&K Skin Products in 2018, and our innovation led to recognition, including invitations to Sundance Film Festival's Eco-Luxe Lounge, the 2020 Oscars, and an appearance on Modern Living with Kathy Ireland©️ in 2021.
The skincare industry is always looking for the next big product or ingredient and we have it. K&K Skin Products' exclusive patented BioVer-X™️ Enhanced Antioxidant Serum is revolutionizing the skin care industry.
In 2023, K&K Skin Products began an exciting international expansion, beginning with an introduction to Poland's Apigen Royal. We were paired together through the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI). Through this experience and new founded collaboration we realized we shared the same goal of taking botanicals and biotech to create breakthrough skin care products. We are honored to now offer their innovative hive friendly Bee Venom Serum in our collection. Our products are getting European Union certified so that Apigen Royal can soon start offering K&K Skin Products to their loyal customers in Poland.
Our story, from humble kitchen experiments to an international brand, demonstrates our dedication to creating transformative skincare products. We hope to inspire you with our journey and our commitment to enhancing skin health through botanicals and biotech.
Stay tuned for the continuing evolution and worldwide reach of K&K Skin Products!

"We hope our story inspires you and shows you just how dedicated we are to creating truly amazing skincare products and helping people achieve their best skin. Stay tuned as we continue to innovate and expand so more people can experience the benefits of K&K Skin Products!"
- Katie Uilk, CEO and Co-founder