Tips for plucking your eyebrows at home

Tips for plucking your eyebrows at home

Tips for plucking your eyebrows at home

  1. Wash your skin with a cleanser and washcloth prior so your pores are clean and your skin is exfoliated. You do not want to have any dirt or dead skin interfering with the plucking process.


  1. Apply a serum to the eyebrows before to make the base of the hair follicle softer which allows a smoother plucking experience. If your serum has anti-inflammatory properties as well it helps to prevent the skin from getting red, irritated and inflamed. No one likes irritated bumps from eyebrow plucking!


  1. Have an idea of how you want your brows to look, if needed you can use an eyeliner to shape the brow and pluck around your desired shape.


  1. Less is more. Pluck with caution, you can always remove more but you cannot replace the hair once plucked! (Thank goodness, it does grow back if mistakes happen!)


  1. Do not pluck and drink. Just trust us on this one 😊🍷


  1. Rinse with cool water after to help close the pores and soothe the irritated skin.


  1. If needed apply a serum or moisturizer after in order to hydrate and moisturize the skin. It helps the skin heal and recover from the plucking process. 


  1. Now enjoy those beautiful shaped eyebrows, you beautiful human!
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